gendrendr (development version)

Version numbers follow Semantic Versioning.

gendrendr 0.1.5

Active development

Minor editing to pkgdown site

Patch to handle empty inputs on Mac OS & Solaris

  • The LC environmental variables are concatenated using different characters.

Intro of utilities functions

  • ifnull to do the replacement if a value is null.
  • check_type to do simple error checking based on type (a generalization of the R classes of objects).
  • get_locale as way to do OS-agnostic language and location of a system locale.

gendrendr 0.1.4


Updated versioning in DESCRIPTION

  • Was incorrectly still 0.1.1 in 0.1.2 and 0.1.3.

Minor editing to pkgdown site

gendrendr 0.1.3


Addition of the premise regarding the sex-gender distinction

  • Premise 7 (gender and sex are both imperfect constructs and drawing distinctions between them creates unnecessary hierarchies–sex is as problematic (if not moreso) a concept than gender and holding it in any higher regard elevates out-dated medicalized views and perpetuates systematic oppressions) was added to make clear that all of the content which refers to “gender” could functionally be applied to “sex” and that using one or the other is fine, but for consistency here we’re using gender.

gendrendr 0.1.2


Added codecov.yml to manage code coverage

Bug fixed in example for gendr

Added file

  • Added to .Rbuildignore

gendrendr 0.1.1


Documentation editing

  • Minor changes to enhance linkages, etc.

gendrendr 0.1.0



  • Basic structure of the package and the focal function gendr.
  • Hookups with Zenodo, Travis, Codecov